Wholistic Reexamining

Wholistic Reexamining is a process that involves looking at a system or situation as a whole, rather than focusing only on certain parts. This approach recognizes that the components of a system are interconnected and that one adjustment can impact the entire system.

In a wholistic reexamination, one might consider all relevant factors, including those that might initially seem unrelated. This could involve looking at a problem from multiple perspectives, considering various potential impacts and outcomes, and recognizing the interconnectedness of various elements.

Here are the key points:

Identify the Complex Idea

Define the system under examination. This system could be any complex , such as an organization, a project, or an ecosystem, composed of multiple interconnected segments.

Innerstand the Components

Identify the individual parts or elements within the system. This could include people, processes, resources, structures, or any other relevant components.

Analyze Interconnections

Look at how the components of the system interact with each other. This involves innerstanding the relationships and dependencies between different parts of the system.

Identify Patterns

Look for recurring patterns or trends within the system. This could involve identifying cycles, feedback loops, or common responses to certain inputs or changes.

Consider the Whole Picture

Rather than focusing on individual components or relationships, consider the system as a whole. This involves thinking about how all the parts work together to create the overall behavior or outcomes of the system.

Reflect and Adjust

Based on your understanding of the system as a whole, consider whether any changes or adjustments need to be made. This could involve changing certain processes, reallocating resources, or adjusting goals or strategies.

Implement and Monitor

Implement any necessary changes and monitor the results. Continue to observe the system as a whole to see how it responds to these adjustments.


Wholistic reexamining is an ongoing process. Regularly repeat this process to continually improve your innerstanding of the system and make necessary adjustments.

Alignment with Systems Thinking and Wholistic Thinking

This approach aligns with systems thinking and wholistic thinking, which emphasize the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of considering the whole, rather than just specific parts.

By taking a wholistic approach to examining a system, you can gain a deeper innerstanding of the system's dynamics and make more effective decisions.