
These words are meant to help to articulate various forms of intellectual avoidance or fear in a succinct and impactful way.

  1. is a quality of indifference or lack of concern towards the impact of self or collective choices on the environment and other beings.

  2. is a harmful behavior and decisions making process that contributes to environmental degradation and biodiversity loss.

  1. is the belief that human beings are the most significant entity of the universe, interpreting or regarding the world in terms of human values and experiences.

  2. is projecting "human" characteristics onto

Artificial Scarcity
  1. a situation where scarcity is created or enforced through means such as monopolistic practices, manipulation of supply, or through artificial pricing methods, despite the availability of enough resources.


is the preoccupation of degenerative social systems with the acquisition of consumer goods.

Consumerist Blindness

is the effect of being oblivious to the negative impacts of excessive consumption, such as environmental degradation, exploitation of nature, and the perpetuation of social inequalities.

Cognitive Cautiousness
  1. is the tendency to approach intellectual challenges and new ideas with caution.

  2. is an effect of the fear of being wrong, discomfort with uncertainty, or a desire to avoid cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive Comfort-Zoning

is the process of staying within one's intellectual comfort zone, avoiding exposure to challenging ideas or perspectives.

This can limit self-growth and hinder the development of a comprehensive and nuanced innerstanding of reality.

Cognitive Cravenness

the avoidance of intellectual challenges or debates due to a lack of courage or fear of being proven wrong.

This can hinder learning, growth, and constructive dialogue.

Cognitive Distortion(s)

Inaccurate thoughts that usually reinforce negative thinking or emotions.

These can include thoughts that are overly generalized, overly dramatic, or irrationally negative.

Cognitive Reservation

The act of holding back from fully engaging in cognitive endeavors or intellectual challenges due to fear of failure or criticism. This can limit personal growth and hinder the development of a comprehensive and nuanced innerstanding of reality.

Cognitive Self-Neglect

This term refers to a state where an individual fails to adequately care for, nurture, or stimulate their cognitive abilities. This could manifest as a lack of intellectual curiosity, avoidance of intellectual challenges, or a failure to engage in activities that promote cognitive growth and health, such as learning new skills, problem-solving, or critical thinking. Cognitive self-neglect can lead to intellectual stagnation, reduced cognitive resilience, and may impact overall mental well-being.

Competition Based-Thinking

A mindset that views situations in terms of winners and losers, often arising from a belief in scarcity. It can lead to aggressive or self-centered behaviors and can hinder collaboration.

Comprehension Avoidance
  1. refers to the deliberate avoidance of innerstanding or engaging with new or complex information.

  2. is driven by various factors such as fear of cognitive effort, discomfort with the subject matter, or resistance to changing existing beliefs or perspectives.

  3. can hinder learning, growth, and the ability to make informed decisions. It can also contribute to intellectual stagnation and a lack of open-mindedness.

Comprehension Bias
  1. is the tendency to interpret information or concepts in a way that aligns with one's existing knowledge, beliefs, or expectations.

  2. can limit one's innerstanding and acceptance of new or differing ideas, as it can lead to a skewed interpretation that reinforces pre-existing views.

Conceptual Claustrophobia

The fear or discomfort associated with exploring complex or unfamiliar concepts. This can hinder learning and intellectual growth, and may lead to a narrow or incomplete innerstanding of reality.

Consumerist Blindness

A state of being oblivious to the negative impacts of excessive consumption, such as environmental degradation, exploitation of workers, and the perpetuation of social inequalities. This can lead to unsustainable behaviors and contribute to social problems.

Consumerist Conformity

The societal pressure to conform to consumerist behaviors and values, often driven by advertising and media influence. This can lead to overconsumption, waste, and a lack of appreciation for non-materialistic values.


The unjust or unethical use of the environment or natural resources for personal or economic gain. This can lead to environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, and social inequalities.

Empathy Erosion

The gradual loss of ability or willingness to understand and share the feelings of others, often as a result of prolonged exposure to divisive narratives or environments. This can hinder social cohesion and contribute to conflict and misunderstanding.

Epistemic Apprehension

The fear or anxiety associated with the pursuit of knowledge, especially when it is complex or challenges existing beliefs. This can hinder learning and intellectual growth, and may lead to a narrow or incomplete innerstanding of reality.

Epistemic Elusiveness

The act of evading the pursuit of knowledge, particularly when it challenges one's existing beliefs or understanding. This can limit personal growth and hinder the development of a comprehensive and nuanced innerstanding of reality.

Epistemic Escapism

The process of escaping from or avoiding the pursuit of knowledge, especially when it is complex or challenges existing beliefs. This can limit personal growth and hinder the development of a comprehensive and nuanced innerstanding of reality.

Epistemic Evasion

The act of avoiding knowledge or truth that may challenge one's worldview or cause discomfort. This can limit personal growth and hinder the development of a comprehensive and nuanced innerstanding of reality.

Epistemic Stagnation

intellectual standstill where there is a lack of growth or development in one's knowledge base or innerstanding of reality.

Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt


  1. a strategy used in sales and marketing that involves spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt about an idea, competitor's product.

  2. a tactic in business and politics to spread disinformation or negative information about competitors.

Growth Gluttony

an obsession with constant growth, often associated with businesses or economies, without considering the potential negative impacts of unchecked expansion.

can lead to degenerative practices, resource depletion, and social inequalities.

Growth Gorging

the relentless pursuit of growth, often characterized by overconsumption, waste, and disregard for ecological limits.

this can lead to environmental degradation, resource depletion, and social inequalities.

Hyperconsumption Hypnosis

the quality of being so engrossed in consumer culture that one becomes oblivious to its negative impacts on society, the environment, and personal well-being.

can lead to overconsumption, waste, and a lack of appreciation for non-materialistic values.

Ideational Insecurity

the fear or anxiety associated with exploring new ideas, often due to a lack of confidence in one's intellectual abilities or fear of criticism.

can hinder learning, growth, and constructive dialogue.

Ideological Insularity

The practice of isolating oneself within a single ideological framework, avoiding or dismissing differing viewpoints.

limits personal growth and hinder the development of a comprehensive and nuanced innerstanding of reality.

Institutionalized Cognition
  1. refers to the collective thought processes, beliefs, and knowledge structures that are deeply ingrained within an institution or organization.

  2. include shared assumptions, norms, values, and ways of thinking that are perpetuated over time and shape the institution's culture, decision-making processes, and approach to problem-solving.

  3. influences how members of the institution perceive, interpret, and respond to their environment.

  4. fosters consistency and cohesion, but it can also limit innovation and adaptability if it discourages critical thinking and dissent.

Intellectual Incognizance

the of being deliberately unaware or ignorant of differing perspectives or challenging ideas.

limits self-growth and hinder the development of a comprehensive and nuanced innerstanding of our reGenerative ecosystem.

Intellectual Blindness

refers to a state of being unaware, ignorant, or deliberately dismissive of knowledge, facts, or perspectives that challenge one's existing beliefs or understanding.

can also be a result of cognitive biases, lack of exposure to diverse viewpoints, or a resistance to change one's mind despite evidence.

Intellectual Uncertainty

the quality of doubt or indecision when faced with intellectual challenges or the prospect of learning new concepts.

Intellectual Inertia

the tendency to stick with current beliefs or thought patterns, resisting new ideas or perspectives due to comfort in the familiar.

Intellectual Cowardice

the avoidance of intellectual challenges or debates due to a lack of courage or fear of being proven wrong.

Internalized Scarcity

a process where co-creatives or communities are conditioned to believes that there is not enough of a resource to go around, leading to stress, competition, and fear.

  • This scarcity mindset can be internalized even in situations where there is actual abundance.

Intellectual Stagnation

refers to a state where there is a lack of intellectual growth or development.

Internalized Commerce

the internalization of commercial or consumerist values, such as the belief in the importance of constant buying and selling, or the equating of one's worth with one's possessions or consumption.

Internalized Capitalism

the internalization of capitalist values and beliefs, such as the equating of one's worth with one's productivity or economic output.

can lead to overwork, burnout, and a lack of balance in life.

Internalized Colonialism

the internalization of attitudes, beliefs, and norms created by colonial powers.

can lead to self-deprecation, loss of cultural identity, and perpetuation of harmful stereotypes.

Knowledge Caution

the tendency to approach new knowledge or information with a high degree of skepticism or careful consideration, often due to fear of misinformation or cognitive dissonance.

Knowledge Nervousness

the anxiety or apprehension associated with acquiring new knowledge, especially when it challenges existing beliefs or requires significant cognitive effort.

Perspective Phobia

the fear or avoidance of different perspectives or viewpoints, often due to a desire to maintain one's existing beliefs or avoid cognitive dissonance.

Profit Parochialism

is a narrow-minded focus on profit generation without considering broader social and environmental impacts.

Profit Predation

are business practices that prioritize profit at the expense of ethical considerations, often leading to exploitation, inequality, and environmental harm.

Profit Tunnel Vision

an approach to business that focuses solely on financial gain, often at the expense of ethical considerations or eco-responsibility.

Ratiocination Reluctance

the hesitation or unwillingness to engage in reasoning or logical thinking, especially when it may lead to uncomfortable conclusions.

Resource Erosion

is the gradual depletion of natural resources due to unsustainable extraction or consumption practices.

Resource Gluttony

is an excessive and insatiable consumption of resources, often without regard for eco-responsibility to the needs of present or future generations.

  1. refers to behaviors or thought patterns that hinder co-creatives progress towards their goals or undermine their own success.

  2. are conscious or unconscious intentions that manifest in various ways, such as procrastination, self-doubt, negative self-talk, or engaging in unhealthy habits.

  3. stems from fear of failure, fear of success, or feelings of unworthiness, and it can prevent co-creatives from reaching their full potential or achieving their desired outcomes.

Scarcity-Based Systems
  1. are systems, whether economic, social, or otherwise, that operate under the assumption of limited resources.

  2. in such systems, the perceived scarcity of resources often leads to competition, inequality, and a focus on short-term gains rather than long-term ecological well-bing.

  3. create a mindset of lack and fear, driving behaviors such as hoarding, overconsumption, and exploitation.

  4. suppress the potential for resource reGeneration, collaboration, and equitable distribution.

Scarcity-Based Systems Thinking

a perspective in systems thinking that operates on the assumption of limited resources, leading to competition and a focus on short-term gains rather than long-term eco-responsibility.

Socio-Economic Conformity

is the pressure to adhere to prevailing socio-economic norms and values, often at the expense of individuality, diversity, and social progress.


the domination or control of less technologically advanced societies by more technologically advanced ones, often leading to cultural erosion, economic dependency, and social disparities.

Thought Timidity

is the reluctance to explore new ideas or challenge existing beliefs due to fear of change or discomfort.

Trauma Bound(s)
  1. a described co-creative or being who is bounded or for most self-defined by past traumatic experiences, which can influence their behaviors, relationships, and decision-making processes.

  2. not just influenced by past trauma, but chained to it.

  3. is when past pain dictates present choices and future possibilities.

Thought Tentativeness

the hesitation to engage with new ideas or perspectives due to uncertainty or fear of intellectual discomfort.

Wisdom Wariness

is the quality of being cautious or wary about seeking or accepting wisdom, often due to fear of change or discomfort with uncertainty.

Wisdom Withdrawal

is the avoiding of wisdom or insights that may cause discomfort or require one to reevaluate their beliefs or choices.

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